
Fondsdata is the central platform for investment assets. Here you have free and current access to comprehensive fund information.

Current fund prices

Here you will find current fund prices, updated daily until 6 pm.You can find further prices and tax data via the search function.

Fund name
Fund provider
Offer price
Bid price


  • DDocuments and publications available
  • K Revised
  • Fund closed
  • Add to watchlist
  • On the watchlist
No appropriate data found.

About Fondsdata

Fondsdata connects fund prices with legally relevant publications on investment assets, thereby offering bundled fund information from a centralised source.

Questions & answers


Compile your personal list of investment assets and receive information about current fund prices via email.

To Watchlist


You can download the list of investment funds prices published this day free of charge starting at 6 p.m. on the day of publication.

Funds price list for 07/04/2024 (CSV)


We can help you

Our service number: 0 800 – 1 23 43 39Mon – Fri, 8:00 am to 6:30 pm, free of charge from a German landline

From outside Germany:+49 221 – 9 76 68-0fees apply

In case of problems valuable information can be found in the area of Questions & Answers.