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  • Beware of unfair providers

    07.03.2024 – The Federal Gazette publishing house warns of offers and notifications regarding register entries for companies in the Company Register and in association with publications in the Federal Gazette. » More

Warning against phishing emails

Due to current events, the Bundesanzeiger Verlag warns against emails referring to the alleged necessity of updating contact data in the Company Register or Federal Gazette.

These emails are not authorised by the Bundesanzeiger Verlag, they are phishing emails with the aim to trick the transmission of passwords or the making of payments. Please do not click on links displayed in the email and do not follow any requests to make payments.


What the Federal Gazette offers and where you can find which content. » More

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How to search the Federal Gazette quickly and in a targeted manner. » More

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In the event of problems, you can find valuable information in the area » Questions & answers.
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General terms and conditions/prices

Which general terms and conditions and prices apply for publications in the Federal Gazette. » More



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